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Trail Running for Beginners

by Shannon Timothy


If you are reading this, you may already have some running experience, or even a habit of going out for a run a few times a week. Only you have not done much trail running, and you want to do more! Trail Running Coach and Adventure East Hiking Guide, Laure Van Den Broeck Raffensperger talks a little about why joining us for a Beginners trail running series is an excellent idea.

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Exploring Western Mass with Fresh Eyes This Winter

by Shannon Timothy

Winter is here and, as we are fond of saying at Adventure East, that doesn't mean that the adventures have to come to an end.

While the forest can seem silent and, in some ways, empty this time of year, winter can actually be the ideal time for exploration. What some may perceive as a desolate forest is actually a winter wonderland filled with life and activity; you just have to know where to look.

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Skiing: A Guide to Our Favorite Spots in Western Massachusetts & Southern Vermont

There is a wealth of opportunity to enjoy our local landscapes on skis here in Western Massachusetts.

Don't hesitate to reach out to inquire about guided skiing experiences with us at Adventure East, cross-country, or otherwise. We hope this selection inspires you to get out on skis this winter - crossing our fingers for snow!

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Skiing: Which Discipline is For Me?

When the snow starts to fall, we at Adventure East can't help but dream of skiing, whether it be cross-country, alpine, or backcountry.

Let's explore which type might be right for you!


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Preparing for Cold Weather Adventures: A Guide to Layering

by Shannon Timothy

Winter weather doesn't have to mean hibernation; it is entirely possible to be comfortable and warm while you enjoy the outdoors, even as the temperatures drop.

In the last post, we talked a lot about how to stay warm and as dry as possible while winter kayaking. However, many winter activities tend to take place off the water and for that, it's important to know some of the basics of layering.

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Preparing for Cold Weather Adventures: Paddling

by Shannon Timothy

There’s plenty of fall left but in New England, we know just how quickly winter can sneak up on us.

At Adventure East we value our opportunities to get outside and enjoy nature, all year round. Meaning, that the adventures don’t stop when the snow starts! Cold weather outdoor experiences, while invigorating, can be a little intimidating as well. There can be so many questions about how best to prepare for the conditions. (What do I wear? What should I bring?)

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